Around the world

Meghna Vadivel
BESTSELLER Business Trainee Programme
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


When I joined a team called Responsible Sourcing, I did not think I would be lucky enough to travel all around the world..

We work within Global Supply chain, as a smaller team called Responsible Sourcing with the coolest colleagues (Have to say that, they are probably reading this. I’m kidding, they really are super cool to work with)

There is so much going on in the world, that it’s only fair we take our responsibility towards it seriously. Knowing that the work we do as the Social Impact and Responsibility team, contributes to a small part of making the lives of people better is a great motivation to do your job well.

And with that introduction, off we go to Amsterdam!

The beautiful Canals of Amsterdam, to be with the Social Impact and Responsibility Team.

And then we start our meetings with a “healthy” breakfast — I am the one picking cookies and brownies, while my more responsible team members ensure I get some immunity booster shots and yogurt granolas.

Some Istanbul for the soul..

There truly is something magical about this city in both, Europe and Asia, and it felt a lot like me- coming from India and living in Denmark. I am super lucky to have this best of both worlds feeling!

We launched our new women empowerment programme with our Turkish suppliers. And you can read all about it here —

Probably should not say this, but the highlight was all the amazing Turkish food I got to try.

Turkish breakfast is serious business
With my coach Andrei, who lived in Istanbul for many years and was an amazing guide to Turkish Breakfast!

Back to Amsterdam

Preparing for 4.. Just before our newest team member was set to join us, we had another strategy meeting. I am also hoping next time I can also click some wonderful pictures with her!

Here, we are working together on our new amazing Women Empowerment goal.

And then we played some pool and drank some beer to let our brains take a bit of a rest.

Emily, with the clearly superior skill, still being patient as I take time before my shot

Last night of my trip was Board Game night — my normally helpful and kind coach was ruthless during this game of Catan! haha!

So that was a super quick look into some of my travelling during the IBT, but I hope to tell you more soon.

